Art on the Road

A few thoughts about finding art where ever I am.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yellow and Red

(I'm in France now, at my parents' house. We've had a couple of much needed mellow days, not many pix taken, so I will continue to write about Italy for the time being).

I recently read a good book called "Eat, Pray, Love" and in it, the author writes about describing a city with just one word. She said that Rome would be "sex." Staying with that idea, but thinking about it in color, I would have to say that Florence is YELLOW, Venice is RED.

Florence, Siena, and the surrounding Tuscan countryside are every color of gold you can imagine. Ocher, goldenrod, sunflower, mustard. The colors are rich and textured, shaded deeper by the yellow of the sun.

Venice has the golds, but adds the reds. Coral, tomato, rust, brick, crimson, scarlet, burgundy - all intensified by the complimentary green of the water. Just as lovely as the yellows, the reds let you know you're in a different town with a different vibe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is the best yet. LOVE the travel tips. I feel the same about it. When in Rome...

LOVE the color designation for cities. Good way to remember them.

Smiles, Phyllis

7/14/2007 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in complete agreement with your travel tips!

I'm really jealous reading these blogs.

7/20/2007 8:53 AM  

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