Art on the Road

A few thoughts about finding art where ever I am.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Where are we going... and what's with the handbasket?

(With apologies to Annie for poaching the title!)

I stumbled upon a couple of streets that have me wondering if perhaps Dante lived nearby. Via Del Purgatorio led to Via dell' Inferno, but the last of his trilogy, Paradiso was nowhere to be found. Perhaps just being in Florence is paradise enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sam,

Happy 4th (it is here, anyway).

Your pictures are fabulous. It's like looking at a travel magazine not your friend's vacation pics.

Hot as hades here. Spent a week in N.M. and it just did not feel as hot... but it was.


7/04/2007 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - it's hard to be jealous since I've just gotten back from Greece, England and Ireland - but nevertheless I AM. I love the picture of the Duomo - they were just finishing the re-do when I was there late last year.

Sounds like you are having incredible fun - ENJOY - and keep blogging....Randi Ferraro

7/05/2007 9:07 AM  
Blogger tuffy said...

awesome. have a gelato for me..
no wait, preview that with some fresh summery pasta!

7/05/2007 4:45 PM  

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