Art on the Road

A few thoughts about finding art where ever I am.

Friday, June 30, 2006

A pint in a half pint pot

Those of you who know me well know that I have a fascination with words and colorful language usage - to clarify: colorful as in richly descriptive, not necessarily profane - although, as a sailor's daughter, I'm not squeamish about that either.

As I survey the incredible pile of stuff that must make its way into two bags by the end of this day, I could hear my dad's english brogue saying, "That's like trying to put a pint in a half pint pot." Interesting how many of these old adages float up in the memory with the voices of our parents or grandparents doing the honors. Yes, Dad - it surely is!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


For those of you who might not have known (surely I gushed to everyone?!), I'm headed to Europe for the month of July. CSUCI put together a trip to Paris for artists, and the planets aligned to allow me to sign up. The adventure starts at a rather rude hour in the dark of Saturday morning... so watch this space to see what unfolds.

Trying to figure it all out

I thought blogging might be easier on all my pals than emails with big images to download... but now I'm on the learning curve of the tool. Ha!

What would life be without such adventures?